Research Development Team

Internal and External Resources


   U Chicago provides a variety of resources to help with the identification of relevant funding mechanisms and/or preparation of grant applications; links to several are immediately below.


   There are also a variety of informative and helpful external resources. We've identified several below and will add more over time -- feel free to send suggestions!

This NIAID website provides valuable insight and examples of a variety of NIH documents including those focused on Scientific Rigor, Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources, Data Sharing, and Project Leadership for Multiple PI Grant Applications.  


Biosketches are an integral part of many grant applications. This NIH website provides the most current Biosketch template, sample Fellowship and Non-Fellowship Biosketches, and detailed Instructions for each subsection. (Note, a new resource, SciENcv, eliminates the need to repeatedly enter Biosketch information and reduces the administrative burden associated with federal grant submissions.)

This toolkit helps investigators to imagine and implement effective Broader Impacts programs. The organization that supports it, ARIS, aims to "advance impacts of research for the betterment of society and the expansion of research". 

This NIH program aims to help early career scientists become more competitive as grant applicants through first-hand experience with peer review and to enrich and diversify CSR’s pool of trained reviewers.

This NSF website identifies some of the advantages and benefits of volunteering to review proposals.  

The guidance for P01s can vary from one division of the NIH to the next. However, guidance for the development of P01s from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) is described clearly here and applies to many other institutes. (Note that a conversation with the program officer / program staff is required.)