Our researchers seek to create knowledge and advance the understanding of the life sciences and medicine and to apply this knowledge to enhance discovery and clinical outcomes.
Our faculty organize into 10 basic science and 14 clinical departments along with multiple Institutes and Centers. Co-located on a compact campus alongside world-renowned Physical Sciences, a new Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, twenty minutes from our colleagues at the Argonne National Labs and Fermi Labs, together with our affiliate Marine Biology Laboratory, the Biological Science Division provides a unique opportunity for training and research at the cutting edge of science, engineering, and medicine.
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Research by the Numbers
Research Active Faculty
Average NIH Funding per PI in the Division
Total faculty in the Biological Sciences Division

Through our highly interdisciplinary institutes, we connect investigators from the Biological Sciences Division with faculty and students across the University and its affiliates and enable cutting edge research to thrive.
Our institutes enable groundbreaking discoveries through innovative technology and collaboration across the University which fosters innovation in the biological sciences that pushes the boundaries of traditional disciplines.
Explore our Institutes

Centers & Programs
Our Centers and programs bring together faculty, students, researchers, and staff to advance our mission through multidisciplinary research and innovative educational programs.
From centers housed within our departments to broad institutional initiatives, our Centers encompass all mission areas and bring together innovations in research, patient care, and education.