Each term of appointment as Assistant Professor is ordinarily ~4 years and ends 30 June. For those beginning July-December, the first term is shortened accordingly and for those beginning January-June the first term is lengthened accordingly. Often in the Department of Pediatrics and sometimes in other departments, the first term may be shorter. If so, this will have been specified in the letter you signed to accept your position.
You may be reappointed as Assistant Professor without a change in rank. If so, your reappointment materials will ordinarily be due in your departmental or section office midway through your third year, and we aspire to notify you regarding reappointment by the end of your third year; i.e., a full year before the end of your term.
You may be reappointed indefinitely without being promoted; there is no upper limit to the number of terms as Assistant Professor. However, it is anticipated that in the majority of cases promotion to Associate Professor will occur 6-7 years after appointment as Assistant Professor, and expected that the Department/Section will provide career guidance to facilitate promotion in a timely fashion. In other words, if you cannot or will not advance in rank, your department may decide not to reappoint you. Check with your departmental office to see when they need the materials to meet the BSD deadline.
Summary of Criteria for Reappointment
- Sufficient quality and productivity in the performance of your clinical duties, meeting the expectations of your 'job description.'
- Sufficient quality and productivity in contributions to our educational mission and institutional citizenship, meeting the expectations of your 'job description'
- Other contributions that establish you as 'on track' for timely promotion. These typically include scholarly activity that is commensurate with your job description.
- A thorough and explicit career development plan that will suffice for promotion in due course.
- Please see the official guidelines for more information; Additional information specific to physician scholars is also available.
Obviously the above are mainly judgments made by your departmental faculty colleagues, for whom your chair or chief is the spokesperson. For that reason, you should meet regularly with your chair, chief, departmental go-to person, and/or mentor(s) for insight into your progress and career advice.
There is no obligation to reappoint Assistant Professors even if they meet the above requirements.
In addition to reappointment, SOM Track Assistant Professors, who have significant time protected for scholarship (ordinarily >50%), receive an advisory review by the Advisory Committee on Assistant Professors (ACAP) in their fifth year. The review provides advice on your prospects for promotion and corresponding actions you might take. Point to HERE for details.
Reappointment Proposal
The department will prepare and submit a recommendation for the appointment that is reviewed by OAA for completeness, endorsed by the Dean and submitted to the Provost’s office for approval. An original recommendation should be submitted to OAA.
A complete recommendation will include:
- Chair’s letter to Dean
- Section Chief's letter to Chair (if customary in the department)
- Updated CV & personal statements
- Teaching evaluations (from the last term of appointment)
Reappointment Proposal for Clinician-Scholars
This section applies to SOM Track Assistant Professors, who have significant time protected for scholarship (ordinarily >50%).
Reappointment proposal
The department will prepare and submit a recommendation for the appointment that is reviewed by OAA for completeness, and endorsed by the Dean and submitted to the Provost’s office for approval. An original recommendation should be submitted to OAA
Assistant Professor's dossier:
- Updated CV: Be certain this contains complete and correct information on all scholarly works and past/current/pending/future funding. (If your CV changes while it is being reviewed, you may provide your departmental office with either addenda/updates.)
- Statements of past/proposed scholarly, educational, citizenship, and patient care activity
- Statement on past and expected progress to promotion
- Up to 5 exemplary scholarly works or manuscripts (pdf format)
Departmental recommendation
- Chair's letter to the Dean reporting the assessment of the faculty eligible to vote, their vote on the recommendation to reappoint, and additional comments of the chair.
- A draft letter to the Assistant Professor communicating the department's assessment of the assistant professor's strengths, weaknesses -- and offers of assistance, if any.
- An estimated time to promotion, yearly deliverables that should result in promotion by this time, and a "Plan B" (if any) in case the assistant professor is not on track for promotion as a clinician-scholar.
- Learner evaluations submitted at the end of academic courses taught by the assistant professor.
- If there has been an appointment in The College (which is normal), a letter from the Master of Biological Sciences Collegiate Division)
- Other concurrences, and documents as customary for a department. These might include Section Chiefs' letters and reports of internal promotions committees.
Once the reappointment is approved, the department is responsible for providing the reappointed assistant professor with the letter conveying the department's assessment and offers of assistance. Assistant professors who have not received this letter within a month of the announcement should ask for it from their chair, chief, or departmental office.
Reverse timeline:
Target dates
Note that most of these are target dates, not firm deadlines, and can be adjusted from year to year. The departmental office can obtain exact information from the Office of Academic Affairs.